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  1. Bathman

    Bathman Porno Junky

    Jan 23, 2015
    (At a party) “most of the guys in the room have had me”….”he was so big he had a job getting it in me…I had it though”…”when I decided to have sex I let them do what they wanted to me…”I gave him a B J while he was driving so he pulled over and gave me one”…”he liked having me in white stockings and suspenders”…(while I was working away for 6 months)…”you know about K…h but 3 other guys had me as well”

    These are just some of the things she told me while I pushed her for details, before and during marriage. I found it so fucking hot I have never stopped wanting to screw her whenever I can…please post some of your confessions.
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    1. sparky59
      We were having a regular 3 some with wife's friend. One day he came over and they fucked most of the day and he slept with her til just before I got home. She told me about it later
      sparky59, Sep 12, 2021
      Draghato, Fazwad, pussytimes and 2 others like this.
    2. Volt_4
      Sounds like my ex
      Volt_4, Sep 12, 2021
      woodwrkr82 and malcolm.53 like this.
  2. tkm953

    tkm953 Porn Star

    May 12, 2017
    She told me My cock was bigger around than her ex,but she said his was longer.
    So I told her,her pussy tasted like cotton candy,while my ex,tasted like sardines.
    She is so cute.
    • Like Like x 6
  3. Onceaswinger

    Onceaswinger Porno Junky

    Feb 19, 2019
    My wife told me she was fucked by 4 guys on her dining room table while the curtains were open and cars drove through the neighborhood. Her old house was in a bend and headlights shown straight into the dining room.
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  4. BedBuddy

    BedBuddy Sex Machine

    Jun 11, 2008
    She told me that when anyone caresses' her ass, she gets really turned on and we need to have sex right away !!! Knowing that, I used that to my advantage which resulted an a lot of threesomes with guys at the bars !!!
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    1. sparky59
      My wife was same if guys were rubbing her ass she loved it
      sparky59, Sep 15, 2021
  5. Truewriter

    Truewriter Porno Junky

    Jul 5, 2021
    My wife admitted she had over 150 men by the tme she was 53.
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    2. BamaStu
      I have never seen a pussy in a junkyard! Have you? I've seen a few that looked worn out, but they still had a few miles left on them.
      BamaStu, Nov 4, 2022
    3. Ifwetry
      Lol, Ive had at least that many
      Ifwetry, Jun 29, 2023
  6. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    "That's ________. He's the guy I gave my first BJ to."
    • Like Like x 6
  7. Greencouple

    Greencouple Sex Lover

    Jan 14, 2007
    The hottest thing she like to talk about was her first anal, by her uncle and her first lesbian at her church camp.
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  8. Bisexual69

    Bisexual69 Porn Star

    Nov 2, 2020
    He doesn't want to suck my dick
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  9. Truewriter

    Truewriter Porno Junky

    Jul 5, 2021
    she had several groups of guys that helped run up her total. One time she had 9 at one time. another time she had 6. when she was 21 years old she had 19 men that year. when she was 35 years old she had 25 men that year. when she was 38 years old she had 16 men. she averaged 4.2 men a year between the ages of 16 and 53
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  10. Oldrogue

    Oldrogue Porn Star

    Jun 4, 2019
    She told me over drinks...i know you fucked my lawyer, thats why you got all you wanted in our divorce..
    • Funny Funny x 3
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    1. Oldrogue
      Btw...her lawyer was a Freak! So hell yeah i fucked her.
      Oldrogue, Sep 24, 2021
      stan123 likes this.
  11. Jav59

    Jav59 Porn Star

    Dec 31, 2018
    That her first sexual experience was with her older brother
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  12. 2_horny_people

    2_horny_people Sex Lover

    May 6, 2020
    "My ex husband would only fuck me doggy style, ass up, head down"
    "He fucked me harder"
    "His cock was 9" "
    "He was really rough"
    "He used to cum so much"
    All I can think about now is her being fucked roughly by big cocks ;)
    • Like Like x 6
    1. speakeasy
      Sounds like he didn't want to miss whatever was on TV.
      speakeasy, Aug 23, 2022
      Bathman likes this.
  13. jhnthis

    jhnthis Porn Star

    Sep 25, 2010
    The most genuine things she has said:
    1. " I don't want to sex as much as you do"
    2. "Sorry, giving blow jobs is not my favorite thing."
    3. I'm not in the mood, too tired..........
    4. "I love you."
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    1. stan123
      Are you sure wer not both marreid to the same woman ? LOL
      stan123, Dec 30, 2021
  14. manrod

    manrod Porn Star

    May 15, 2015
    The most genuine thing mine ever said was "Leave me alone "
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  15. formerlyRC

    formerlyRC Porn Star

    Jul 6, 2019
    I don't have a wife ( Yet) but an Ex GF told me that she had never had sex with a guy but that she lost her virginity with an older woman ( apparently it was big ) It turned me on but troubled me slightly too
    1. speakeasy
      Nina: I worked with a young woman for years who was the last one to realize she was gay.
      She's someone who would have been described as a "tomboy" in her younger days. Really cute and in incredible shape but anyone with any sense of "gaydar" and spent anytime around her knew.
      Of course, she ended up getting engage to the first woman she was ever with.
      When her fiancé found out she was the first woman she had ever had sex with but had never had sex with a man, the fiancé told her she had to have sex with one man at least once before they got married because the fiancé didn't want her to wonder for the rest of her life if she had made the right choice.
      It's weird sitting at a bar after work and having a coworker tell you that her fiancé insists she go out and get laid from someone else.
      speakeasy, Sep 24, 2021
      TheBlueDog and formerlyRC like this.
    2. formerlyRC
      Yeah I can relate to that @speakeasy although of course both Mary and I have had male partners prior to us meeting I do think our experiences with both sexes have helped solidify what it is we wanted from a partner. Obviously gender but other stuff as well
      formerlyRC, Sep 24, 2021
      speakeasy likes this.
  16. Longforit

    Longforit Porn Star

    May 6, 2018
    My wife told me that boys never paid attention to her in high school and when she got to college, her roommate came onto her and she actually loved it,
    • Like Like x 3
  17. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    Neither is cleaning the house or doing laundry but sometimes you just have to take one for the team!
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    2. formerlyRC
      I dont think I ever thought going down on my guy was 'taking one for the team' Sunday morning was always Croissants and Coffee and a blowjob in bed for him
      I will take the applause .......LOL !!!
      formerlyRC, Sep 25, 2021
    3. jhnthis
      and you deserve applause! @formerlyRC . That is the way it should be.
      jhnthis, Sep 25, 2021
      formerlyRC and speakeasy like this.
    4. speakeasy
      @formerlyRC My comment was meant to say there are somethings we all don't enjoy doing but do because our partner enjoys it and it really doesn't impact us.
      I could go my entire life without "being with" another woman again and I've never initiated it but sometimes guys want to watch two women.
      I'm really not into anal but have been known to participate when the situation arises.
      There are a few other things. Not everyone is into everything.
      speakeasy, Sep 25, 2021
    5. formerlyRC
      I get it @speakeasy I suppose I was trying to be funny about the Blowjobs. ( Albeit that I did indeed do just that a few times ) Anal was always something I wasnt really into but my BF really lied it so I tried to keep him happy
      formerlyRC, Sep 26, 2021
      stan123 and speakeasy like this.
    6. 1 Toy Maker
      From a guy who never gets BJs, thanks for being willing to take one for the team Nina
      1 Toy Maker, Sep 7, 2022
      speakeasy likes this.
  18. misha_h0

    misha_h0 Porn Surfer

    Sep 11, 2021
    My ex (don't have a wife yet) once while we were watching porn together pointed to the guy on screen and told me she used to do massages to him and he'd get hard every time so she fucked him once
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  19. aquireit

    aquireit Porn Star

    Jun 18, 2008
    My wife goes into great detail about every time she fucks another guy. She only fucks around once or twice a year, but she describes one of your affairs in detail every time we have sex. I have never told her about any of my affairs. She isn't really interested.
    • Like Like x 2
  20. family_fun

    family_fun Newcumer

    Nov 21, 2019
    At a big group dinner with friends, my wife did some mental math and says, "I've dated 50% of the men in this room at one point or another."
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